Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Power to romance writers everywhere

For the first time in my life I experienced the true meaning of being ‘powerless’. It devastated me.

I wish I had the writing skills to convey the pain and despair I felt when it happened at 9am today.

You have to agree with me – as writers of romantic fiction — that words like desperation and despair almost type themselves on the page without any help from us (and how many times have we described our hero or heroine as ‘powerless’). But do we really now what it means?

Have we, as writers, ever truly experienced a sense of powerlessness that is so overwhelming it makes us want to scream? Do we really know what it feels like to have our last breath siphoned from our lungs, or wonder if our hearts could ever exploded from beating too hard?

Today I experienced all that. It was so unbelievably terrifying and — yes — I was absolutely powerless. I could do nothing — wield no sword against this invisible enemy.

You see, at 9am this morning, in my home town of Coffs Harbour, Country Energy turned off my power and I had no computer.

I realised then how empty my life would be without my word processor and without my writing.

When they finally switched me back on at 2pm (two lovely new power poles in my street) I promised I would never take electricity and what it provides us everyday, for granted.
So I say - (uninterrupted) power to writers everywhere and thank goodness for the good old fashioned pen and paper.


  1. Lol, Jenn. You had me going *vbg*

  2. Hi Jenn
    I feared for your life!

  3. Great piece of writing Jenn. And here's to electricity!!

  4. Jenn, I know just how you feel. Which is why I now have a laptop. LOL.

