Where do you get your plot ideas from?
Scarily enough, my Dad asked me this very question over the weekend. My Dad, who has never so much as picked up a romance novel in his life, let alone opened the page on one, wanted to discuss writing romance!
After I'd managed to get my jaw closed again I had to think about my answer. I mean, this is someone for whom the terms black moment and saggy middle have completely different conotations.
So before I could answer his seemingly straight forward question I had to explain the need to consider things such as conflict and GMC - and then from there could explain how an article in the paper may inspire a plot.
From this we moved onto discussing how I write. How I'm a plotter not a pantser. Showing not telling. The different lines Harlequin have.
Something really struck me while I chatted with Dad. How much I have learnt.
August 2008 was when I started to write romance, and to take it seriously to make my dream come true. In August I could rattle off some writing terms, but with only a vague notion of what they meant. But 8 months later I was explaining the writing process in-depth, in detail, logically.
So thank you to Bootcamp, to my fellow Bootcampers, my CP. Without you I could never have achieved so much.