Monday, April 27, 2009


Where do you get your plot ideas from?

Scarily enough, my Dad asked me this very question over the weekend. My Dad, who has never so much as picked up a romance novel in his life, let alone opened the page on one, wanted to discuss writing romance!

After I'd managed to get my jaw closed again I had to think about my answer. I mean, this is someone for whom the terms black moment and saggy middle have completely different conotations.

So before I could answer his seemingly straight forward question I had to explain the need to consider things such as conflict and GMC - and then from there could explain how an article in the paper may inspire a plot.

From this we moved onto discussing how I write. How I'm a plotter not a pantser. Showing not telling. The different lines Harlequin have.

Something really struck me while I chatted with Dad. How much I have learnt.

August 2008 was when I started to write romance, and to take it seriously to make my dream come true. In August I could rattle off some writing terms, but with only a vague notion of what they meant. But 8 months later I was explaining the writing process in-depth, in detail, logically.

So thank you to Bootcamp, to my fellow Bootcampers, my CP. Without you I could never have achieved so much.


  1. Anita, I have to agree, when you think about what you've learnt it such a short time, it's mind boggling.

    I joined the RWA around August last year (as you know), and in 8 months I've absorbed more than I could've imagined. Joining the org was one of the best decisions I ever made.

    As for CPs, well, they're a life saver, aren't they? And a sanity saver! Lol. Thank heavens you and I 'found' each other online back then!

    And thanks to the Bootcampers for making it all the more interesting. Can't wait to meet everyone one day. Don the khakis and kick some butt. Woo hoo!

  2. Great post Anita. The only thing I wish, is that I followed my dream earlier. We are very lucky with the group of writers we have here and on ROMAUS.

    As for me getting my inspiration. Lord that can come with someone saying a simple sentence or word sometimes. LOL.
